Constitutional court of the Republic of North Macedonia, experience and perspectives
13 September 2021
Margarita Tsatsa Nikolovska, Igor Spirovski, Martin Sopronov
Non-governmental organization
Constitutional judiciary has been existing in Macedonia for almost six decades. The
First Constitutional Court, as a separate constitutional order institution controlling constitutionality of laws and constitutionality and legality of other general legal acts, was
introduced with the 1963 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia. Its organizational setting, powers and working procedures for exercising its jurisdiction were regulated in detail with a special law. In accordance with its powers, the Constitutional Court
exercised additional a posteriori or conditional repressive control over the constitutionality of the laws by making decisions that had the legal effect of determining unconstitutionality of a law. Where the Assembly failed to harmonize the law within 6 months, the
Constitutional Court would conclude, with a new decision, that such law was abrogated.