Documents: With tag International standards

Образованието во време на пандемија

  •  26 January 2022
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Analysis

The Future of Freedom of Assembly in North Macedonia in the Digital Era

  •  19 November 2021
  •  Dushica Nofitoska, Vesna Dishlijoska
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Analysis

The right to association and public assembly does not in itself mean only the association of citizens with a physical presence through which they would express dissatisfaction with a certain government decision that affects their rights and interests. In the last few years, there is a trend of increased use of Internet tools through which the citizens of a country can act in the online space just as they would act with a physical presence. In North Macedonia, the trend of using online tools is experiencing its peak with the proclamation of a Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this Analysis is to summarize the International Legal Framework on the freedom of peaceful assembly in the digital era and to present the state obligations. Also, to research the opportunities and challenges of the assemblies in the digital era and the impact of the new technologies in exercising of the right to free assembly. In the same time to make comparison and research on the concept of digitally-med


Дискриминацијата во Република Северна Македонија: правна регулатива, предизвици и перцепција за дискриминаторските основи

  •  14 December 2020
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Analysis